Today is a Sunday. On Sundays I’ve been writing shorter posts that offer one simple thing you can do to end Trump. One reason for this is that I like to spend less time on my computer on the weekends. It is a lot easier to write up a quick recommendation about someone else’s tool or resource than to mine my memories for deep insights when I want to be out enjoying the autumn air. These Sunday posts also come from a desire to have some efficacy and impact from this project. From the start, I debated whether it was likely that 100 rambling blog posts would be the thing that finally sinks Trump, would have any impact at all. That isn’t entirely fair. I believe that writing honestly, publishing, and building community builds a better world. It may not be as effective as calling voters in Pennsylvania (which you should totally do), but in the long run, art, expression and community are how the culture changes. In the meantime, I took a good long Sunday nap today. I recommend you do the same, or go to bed early. Don’t be 2012 me, working too much, refreshing political blogs and filling yourself with busy self-destructive anxiety. We have 15 more days. Pace yourself.