Today is the last Sunday of this 100-day countdown to the election. On Sundays, I’ve been posting one quick thing you can do to end Trump. The premise is that other people are reading this and a better use of our writing and reading time is doing something that will have a measurable direct impact on the outcome of the election. But WordPress and Google tell me that there are maybe seven of you regular readers, all anonymous to me (I’ve done little to promote this series, apart from mentioning it in conversation). I suspect you’ve all done what you’re going to do. Or have a plan to do what you’re going to do between now and the time polls close on Tuesday.

So, instead of telling the five of you what to do as though I were writing to a vast army of followers, I’d instead like to take a moment to express gratitude for your having spent any amount of time following this journey.

The next few days promise to be pivotal ones for amorphous concepts like democracy, equality, justice, honesty and cooperation, as well as specific issues such as the climate emergency and the pandemic. I’m thinking globally and long-term with each of those phrases, and beyond the borders of the nation state whose capital city I happen to live in. There are plenty of immediate national and local concerns that will be shaped this week as well. If writing and posting these ramblings has driven home any one lesson for me, it is that hard things and difficult times are far easier with other people — with friends — than without. So, I’d love it if you dropped me a line. That’s it.* That’s my Sunday action to end Trump this week. Email me. Let’s strengthen those connections in acknowledgment of all the hard things we’ve come through together, and the hard things we may be called upon to do in the days ahead.

*Of course, if you need another reminder… keep calling and texting Pennsylvania voters, keep your plan to vote, and check with all your friends and family to make sure they follow through on their voting plans.